Join Us For A Virtual REFORMer Town Hall In Your State

February 9, 2023 News

REFORM is committed to creating tangible pathways to stability and economic opportunity for people and communities impacted by the justice system. Our work extends across several states, and to stay in touch with local communities, we host in-person and virtual events several times a year.

That’s why we’re “Zooming” into 4 states next month – to talk about REFORM’s legislative efforts, explore the unique challenges facing the state’s parole and probation systems, and introduce our regional staff. 

Join us at your state’s virtual REFORMer Town Hall! RSVP today:


Iowa – March 1st

Illinois – March 7th

Indiana – March 9th

Pennsylvania – March 16th


Various REFORM speakers will participate in these events – including our Regional Directors, State Organizers, and representatives from our Policy & Law and Memberships teams. These are the staff members you’ll be working with closely as a REFORMer, so stop in and introduce yourself!

We hope to see you there.